Rats Redhill

The Pestman offers a professional rat control service in Redhill and the surrounding areas.

Rats are a common pest in and around Redhill and need immediate attention if you have an infestation in your home or business. A small infestation of rats, if left, can soon become a very large infestation with the potential to spread disease, contaminate foodstuffs and cause damage to the fabric of your buildings.

The Brown Rat or Rattusnorvegicus is the largest and most common rat that you are likely to encounter or see evidence of in your Redhill property. Rats feed mainly at night so you are likely to see evidence of activity before you see a rat. The obvious signs of activity are droppings, damage to the building caused by gnawing or consumption of foodstuff.

At the first sign of any rat activity you should contact us on 01737 668603 or 07772541778. We will deal with the immediate infestation and also offer you further advice to help prevent any future problems.

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If you have a problem with rats at your property in Redhill, you should contact the Pestman for a quick and efficient solution.