Wasps Reigate

The Pestman offers a professional pest control service in Reigate and the surrounding areas specialising in Wasps Reigate.

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They are large, conspicuous buzzing insects with yellow and black striped, wasp-waisted bodies, 10-15mm long. They have a sweet tooth at one end and a painful sting at the other.

The queen wasp is larger (20mm) and she hibernates over winter, making a nest in the spring in which to lay her eggs. She feeds the grubs on insects until they develop into worker wasps, three to four weeks later. Workers, all sterile females, forage for over a mile in search of food. One nest may produce 30,000 wasps in a year.

At their peak in August and September with the youngsters reared, the workers turn to the sweet food they prefer and become a nuisance wherever this is available. If annoyed or threatened, wasps will sting,with some people reacting violently to being stung and several peopleeven dying each year.

If you have a wasp problem in the Reigate area, then contact the Pestman immediately. For our Wasps Reigate team call 01737 668603 or 07772 541778.